The Kids We Lose is a 90-minute documentary film produced by Lives in the Balance about the human side of being a child or student with concerning behavior, and the struggles faced by parents, educators, staff in facilities, mental health clinicians, and judicial and law enforcement professionals in trying to ensure that these kids receive the help they need. The Kids We Lose also exposes the often brutal, inhumane ways in which kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges are treated in schools, inpatient psychiatry units, residential facilities, and prisons, along with the ways in which this treatment contributes to the school-to-prison pipeline.
You can watch the film in its entirety here. The short film above — Hope & Solutions — provides solutions to the issues exposed in the film.
The Kids We Lose has won many accolades, including:
Best Documentary, 2019 Whistleblower Summit and Film Festival, Washington, DC
Best Feature Documentary, 2018 New Hampshire Film Festival
Best Feature Documentary, 2019 Women’s Film Festival, Philadelphia
Best Feature Documentary, 2019 Los Angeles Women’s International Film Festival
To schedule a screening, click here.