It's truly tragic: for the last four decades, millions of staff in schools and treatment facilities have been trained to de-escalate, restrain, and seclude kids in the name of crisis prevention.

But those aren’t crisis prevention strategies…they’re crisis management strategies. To truly prevent crises, staff need to know how to identify and solve the problems that are causing kids to become escalated in the first place. Otherwise, we’re going to keep traumatizing the already-traumatized.

True trauma-informed care consists of four important components: emotional and physical safety, collaboration and mutuality, trustworthiness and transparency, and empowerment and choice. The True Crisis Prevention (TCP) program — based on Dr. Ross Greene’s evidence-based Collaborative & Proactive Solutions model — checks all the boxes.

The free resources on this website can help you get started. When you’re ready to take the next step, contact True Crisis Prevention so we can discuss how to help you dramatically reduce or completely eliminate restraint and seclusion…without compromising anyone’s safety.

We’re eager to talk with you!

1. Your New Lenses Have Arrived

And they’re going to have you focusing on problems, not behavior

2. Timing Is Everything

You want to be early, but your training may be making you late

3. This is Going to Be Hard

But not that hard…and the only thing you have to lose is a lot of restraints, seclusions, and injuries

The resources on this website are provided free of charge by the non-profit Lives in the Balance.